Yesterday, my new friend Guilherme posted some rather vulnerable (but good) thoughts about accountability and exhortation on his blog. You can read them HERE. * * * " can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye." * * * So say you're spending some time with one of your friends and you notice something sitting there in the corner of her eye. * * * Now, you wouldn't try this maneuver with sunglasses on, right? And you wouldn't try this blindfolded or while you were texting someone on your phone, would you? And surely, you wouldn't be rough and violent with their eyeball either? * * * When we're coaching someone's behavior, I believe we should abide by the same rules that reflect the care that we'd give if we were literally removing a speck from their eye. * * * Jesus didn't say that we should overlook the problems in a brother's life and He didn't ask us to leave friends to deal with their own problems. He told us to treat the sin and behavior in their lives as we would treat a speck of dust in their eye- with carefulness and consideration, never with carelessness or condemnation. Comments are closed.
About NathanNathan Key likes to think about faith and philosophy and talk about it with others. He lives with his family in New Hampshire. He doesn't always refer to himself in the third person. |